Miss International Beauty®, Teen International Beauty®, Ms. International Beauty®, Mrs. International Beauty® and USA International® is part of the Ms. America Pageant Inc. system which is a California Corporation that currently owns and runs the Ms. America®, Ms. International®, Classic America®, Classic International® , Ms. USA International® and Miss Pacific U.S. Pageants. Based in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, the Corporation is owned by Susan Jeske Irvine who is the CEO.

Miss International Beauty ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Louise Madlin was first owner & then transferred over to the Ms. America Pageant Inc. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 4304783
First use in commerce: April 3, 1977

Ms. International Beauty ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Ms. America Pageant Inc. is first owner. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 6207353
First use in commerce: September 5, 2020

Teen International Beauty ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. First owner is Ms. America Pageant Inc. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 6330915
First use in commerce: August 1, 2020

USA International ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Louise Madlin was first owner & then transferred over to the Ms. America Pageant Inc. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 4304784
First use in commerce: April 1977

Ms. America ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Susan Jeske was first owner & then transferred over to the Ms. America Pageant Inc. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 6112852 & 2321477
First use in commerce: June 1997

Ms. International ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Ms. America Pageant Inc. is the first owner. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 6383156
First use in commerce: October 1, 2010

Mrs. International Beauty ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Ms. America Pageant Inc. is first owner. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 6915409
First use in commerce: August 1, 2020

Ms. USA International ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Ms. America Pageant Inc. is first owner. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 7594256
First use in commerce: July 1, 2024

Classic America ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Ms. America Pageant Inc. is first owner. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 6311082
First use in commerce: November 15, 2020

Classic International ® is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington D.C. Ms. America Pageant Inc. is first owner. CEO is Susan Jeske Irvine.
Registration No. 7291990
First use in commerce: March 4, 2023




Letter from Louise Madlins daughter asking Susan Jeske to carry on her mothers 40-year legacy and takeover her pageants and registered trademarks, Miss International Beauty and USA International.

Click onto letter to read closer.

Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
Click on image to view closely.


Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
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Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
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Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
Click on image to view closely. 

Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
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Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
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Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C.
Two incontestable Ms. America Registrations - No. 6112852 & 2321477
First use in commerce: June 1997
Click on image to view closely.

Click on image to view closely.